Sunday, November 3, 2013

A short introduction..........

    Who am I and why am I here? I am simply your average guy who is very Pissed Off to see what has become of our Constitutional Republic. Oh, you thought our Government was a Democracy? Think again and do a little research. Forget that crap that the Progressives spew at you from the programming device you might know as a television. They don't call it television programming for nothing. Where was I? Oh, right, I am here in the great state of Ohio, more specifically in Medina. Why am I here? Read on........
     In light of the increasing encroachment on our liberty by an ever expanding Federal Government the need exists for communities to band together. We need to get to know like minded people in our communities and work to restore our Republic. It has become obvious with the current administration that they lie bald faced to the public and don't even try to hide it anymore. Have you noticed? Nixon Resigned because of a lie. Clinton was impeached over lying to Congress. Obama lies about EVERYTHING. I think he may be actually incapable of telling the truth. We'll get into that more as we go along here, but for now, let's say that my hope is that by working together we can get ready for what is coming.


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